In life you are going to make mistakes, you're going to fall down, but it's the getting up that counts. Just like in baseball: you'll get a few hits, but most likely, you'll strike out more than you'll get on base. But don't quit. Find your focus, relax, take …21/12/2020 · “Many times life will hit you hard, knock you down, and hurt you. Persevere, Never give up, and do your best to get up and Keep Going.” – John Cena “Do not waste time thinking about what you could have done differently. Keep your eyes on the road ahead… and do it differently now.” – Karen Salmansohn “Don’t focus on who let you down.29/09/2016 · Therefore, whenever you feel that life is hard or whenever you feel like giving up, don’t! Look for the opportunity and grow. “If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King “Tough times never last, but tough people do.”04/08/2021 · Nobody is gonna hit as hard as life, but it ain't how hard you can hit. It's how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. It's how much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Our lives are not fully lived if we're not willing to die for those we love, for what we believe. We can't retract the decisions we've made.Life Hits Hard Quotes. Life becomes inspiring, not in spite of the problems and the hard hits, but because of them. — Joni Eareckson Tada. Man has to pick up the use of his functions as he goes along- especially the function of Love. — E. M. Forster. O amazement of things-even the least particle! — Walt Whitman.03/02/2019 · Funny life is hard quotes . Life is hard, after all, it kills you. ~Kathrine Hepburn . Life is hard; it’s harder if you’re stupid. ~John Wayne . When life knocks you down…calmly get back up, smile and very politely say, “You hit like a bitch.” Being a …24/08/2021 · Sarah Kay > Quotes > Quotable Quote. “Life will hit you hard in the face, wait for you to get back up just so it can kick you in the stomach. But getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.”. ― Sarah Kay. tags: inspirational , life. Read more quotes from Sarah Kay.71 Quotes About Life Being Hard But Getting Through It. Philipe Borges. Share this article: We know life is hard, we know you're doing your best to live it, but sometimes it gets really tough. So tough, that one might think he is not tough enough to keep going.25/10/2021 · Tragedy in life normally comes with betrayal and compromise, and trading on your integrity and not having dignity in life. That’s really where failure comes. – Tom Cochrane. It is the tragedy of the world that no one knows what he doesn’t know – and the less a man knows, the more sure he is that he knows everything. – Joyce Cary
Quotes for a Enduring a Hard LifeQuotes About Living a Hard LifeLife Hits You Hard Quotes
What is a good quote for life is hard?What is a good quote for life is hard?What is a good quote for hard hitting?What is a good quote for hard hitting?What to say when life gets tough quotes?What to say when life gets tough quotes?Why quotes that hit hard hit the soul?Why quotes that hit hard hit the soul?
quotes when life hits you hard, then that's when death starts. Just like how the moon and sun come to a stop during a firefight. The moon, the sun, it just is so much different. It is much brighter and more intense. It is an energy that comes from the very beginning of time. I say this because it may work its way down into your life, but you will have to wait and see.
The moon does not simply come out to go away. You may have a moment of emptiness that begins, and becomes less pleasant. There are more and more distractions, more obstacles, more difficulties. So, you can see what is going on in your life as it happens. It is not always one good thing, or a bad thing, or an end to the life. It may take a turn for the worse and go all the way to the top. That is the story of our lives, the story of our families, our friendships, and our relationships.